Sunday, December 18, 2016

We Have To Stop Talking About What We Want To Do And Start Doing What We Want To Do.

From article, "Beyond Dome City colonies to Shell Worlds or Paraterraforming as a shortcut to making planets habitable"

(One big problem with the traditional terraforming approach is finding planets with workable initial parameters: large enough, temperate enough, wet enough, axial spin not too fast or too slow, a magnetic field, etc. A novel method to creating habitable environments for humanity by enclosing airless and otherwise useless sterile planets, moons, and even large asteroids within engineered shells is proposed. These shells are subjected to two primary opposing internal forces: compression caused by gravity and tension caused by atmospheric pressure. By careful design, these two forces can cancel each other out resulting in a net stress on the shell of zero. Beneath the shell an earthlike environment could be created similar in almost all respects to that of Earth except for gravity, regardless of the distance to the sun or other star. These would be small worlds, not merely large habitats, possibly stable across historic timescales. Each would contain a full, self-sustaining ecology, which might evolve in interesting directions over time.)

Me, "There are a lot of good ideas when it comes to building bases on the Moon, Mars and other places. The problem is not unlike buying a car. Should you buy electric or gas. Should it be an SUV or a Car. We can all agree that these options depend on what the consumer thinks is best. The same will be for bases on the Moon, Mars, and other places. Should the base be underground or on the surface. Should the base have a see through dome material to show the bases outside landscape or be enclosed in a metal dome ceiling with an artificial ceiling that shows clouds, sunlight, during the day and stars at night; even movies for a community movie night, and also to relay emergency news and conditions. I think what you are going to have are many different bases, not unlike the many different types of buildings in a city. Each with their own allure, natural and man-made safety features and each new one becoming better and easier to construct then the last. But the thing is we have to stop talking about what we want to do and start doing what we want to do."

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