Sunday, December 18, 2016

Super Fast Charging Battery

Me, "Great news! Its something that is needed in electric cars, and cell phones, not to mention other products that use rechargeable batteries. Should be interesting to see battery manufacturers scrambling to get hold of this technology and create fast charging products."

From article, "This Battery Charges In Seconds And Lasts All Week"

(The breakthrough down in Florida is to use nano-materials to make the super-capacitor. People have tried to make 2-D nano-batteries before, using nano-materials just a couple of atoms thick, but nobody really cracked it. Now, led by Yeonwoong Jung of the NanoScience Technology Center and the Materials Science and Engineering Department at the University of Central Florida, a team has successfully made, effectively, nano-capacitors.
The material is made up of millions of nano-sized wires which are covered in a "shell" made of 2-D materials. The wires deliver power at super high speed to the shells, which store the energy until it is needed. Imagine a regular plastic-coated wire, where the coating is storing power, then imagine millions of them shrunken into a thin, flexible sheet, and you'll get the gist.
Not only is this high-capacity "battery" fast to charge, it's long-lasting. "If they were to replace the batteries with these super-capacitors, you could charge your mobile phone in a few seconds and you wouldn't need to charge it again for over a week," co-author Nitin Choudhary told UCF News.
Not only that, but the team's nano-battery can be recharged many more times than a regular battery: up to 30,000 times, compared to just 1,500. That means your battery will never fade before your phone dies. In fact, the battery will probably outlast your phone by several times.)

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