Sunday, December 18, 2016

Coding the Future

Me, "Coding is going to have to be taught at some level just like math and science is in school because computers and robotics are becoming more and more mainstream in businesses and probably will lead to more diverse jobs in the future. Those who know code will have an edge up in future work forces."

From article, "Students talk to computers during Hour of Code
("The goal is to reach as many students as possible across the campus," said Tina Gennaro, the Academy of Design and Technology director at the Professional Academies Magnet at Loften High School.
Gennaro opened the school's computer labs during lunch times this week and encouraged her students to bring friends from other academies to try different activities on Students who complete an hour of coding this week will be entered into a drawing for prizes.
Everyone should learn how to code, Gennaro said, even if they don't go as far as learning different computer languages.
"It's everywhere," she said. "It's not so much learning the language as learning the critical thinking and problem-solving skills that go with it.")

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