Sunday, December 18, 2016

It May Sound Crazy But..

Me, "I know it may sound crazy but even in our own solar system there are planets, Mars, desert like, and Moons, Europa, waterworlds like, and Earth like, a mixture of the two, that could harbor life or support life that we reintroduce. In fact the age old question of: "Why are we here?" Is probably to export life into the Universe as humans ourselves go out economically, politically, and exploratorily.
 We know the good things and bad things about life, (Hopefully the good outweighs the bad) and maybe God put us here knowing we would one day want to go out and explore and bring life, with us? I am sure there are many views on the subject and I have plenty. Mine is just one of many ideas."

From article, NASA Will Try Find ‘Star Wars’ Like Planets In Search For Alien Life
(There are only eight planets in our solar system, including Earth, but in the 20 years since humans first detected a planet outside our celestial neighborhood, over 3,400 exoplanets have already been discovered. And given the immense and ever-increasing vastness of the Universe, the number of planets that exist in it is likely to be as innumerable as the number of stars.
Given the sheer number, it is also entirely possible that some of those planets resemble very closely the depictions of other worlds in fiction, such as Hoth, Tatooine or Scarif in the “Star Wars” films. NASA scientists are analyzing the existing data on exoplanets to see if such planets exist with the Milky Way instead of in a galaxy far, far away.)

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