Sunday, December 18, 2016

A New Way Of Storing Renewable Energy.

Me, "Sometimes it is just luck that breeds a new invention. Here, Wind and Solar need a way of storing their power for when it is not windy or the sun sets. Batteries are good (but they eventually degrade and need to be replaced) but using this ethanol technique (you just keep producing it indefinitely and burning it in am on the side power plant when needed) may be a lot better. Science coming to the rescue of renewable energies."


(Even though the process probably won’t help much with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere--Rondinone says it would be too energetically costly--he believes there is another way for this process to help meet energy demands.Rondinone sees an opportunity to help with intermittent power sources like wind and solar. By capturing excess electricity generated by the process and storing it in the form of ethanol, it could be burned later when the wind turbines aren’t spinning or the sun isn’t shining.)

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