Sunday, December 18, 2016

LENR A Game Changer

From article, "US Defense Threat Reduction Agency Releases LENR Report — “Investigation of Nano-Nuclear Reactions in Condensed Matter”

(“Once understood, LENR has the potential to be a paradigm-shifting, ‘game-changing’ technology. Nuclear energy systems have power densities six orders of magnitude greater than chemically-based energy generation or storage systems. The ability to harness a new nuclear energy source for either thermal or electrical conversion, without the generation of penetrating energetic particles, would have a profound commercial and military impact ranging from small footprint power systems to mobile systems to larger stationary power systems. Depending on how the technology scales, it could be used as a power source for expeditionary warfare and military bases as well as surface ships/submarines; nuclear battery for autonomous C4I operations (communications, computers, satellites); and long duration UAV and USV ops (propulsion). Such a technology would have a profound effect upon one of the U.S. and DoD’s largest financial and environmental costs: burning hydrocarbons from imported oil and gas with their attendant CO2 footprint. Indeed, many U.S. military actions this century, and the most costly in the 1990’s, have been driven by, or consequences of, the geopolitics of oil. Decreasing the use of foreign oil would result in both an energy savings and a reduction in US military presence, and fleet costs, in maintaining access to foreign oil and natural reserves.)

Me, "The release of this internal document, shows that the government never stopped studying Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, after the 1989 announcement of it. In fact, later on, knew that the research into it was valid and producing positive results. I think this paper was released because of the recent Congressional Committee looking into LENR. Why has it taken the technology so long to surface? Was our government protecting us from a sensitive disruptive energy technology? These are all valid questions. The answers to may be long and complicated. What is shown, is that LENR is a valid technology that a lot of Energy production companies should now invest time and energy into. I mean, not too, seems kind of short-sighted."

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