Sunday, December 18, 2016

CO2 to Hydrocarbon Fuels.

Me, "The idea of pulling CO2 out of the atmosphere and turning it into Hydrocarbon fuels is not a new one. The point being that even if we run out of easily extracted oil from the ground, and have to make the process from, thin air? lol, we can always have some other way of creating fuels it if we desperately need it. From 2008..."

From article, "Sandia's Next Fuel Source: Thin Air
(The process works something like this: concentrated solar power from a giant solar furnace is used to superheat a set of catalytic cobalt ferrite rings that, once activated, literally rip carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules apart. As a result, CO2 is transformed into carbon monoxide, which can be converted into methanol, jet fuel, or even gasoline.)

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