Sunday, February 18, 2018

Gabby Giffords asks for our support. Can we really say no?

Take Gabby Giffords' pledge

Add your name to say you'll support candidates who will stand up to the gun lobby and take action to make our communities safer from gun violence.

From Gabby Gifford, The congresswoman who was shot in the head by a crazy person AND survived.

Her, (I know politicians fear the gun lobby.

But I also know that fear cannot compare to what those innocent children in Florida felt as the gunshots rang out, bullets flew through the halls of their school, and their teachers and classmates were gunned down.

That fear is nothing compared to what parents must have felt waiting in the parking lot of the high school waiting for news about their children.

Our nation's schools should be the safest spaces in our communities. They should not be the place of horror. And while I wish that the scenes from earlier this week were unthinkable or unimaginable, they are not.

We have seen them before, and we will see them again... unless our elected leaders show the courage to act -- the courage to finally take on the gun lobby.

But that will only happen when politicians realize they have more to fear from all of us together than they do from the gun lobby. And that starts with making our voices heard:

Sign my pledge: "I promise that I will Vote Courage in November and support candidates who will stand up to the gun lobby and take action to make our communities safer from gun violence."

For a long time I bought into the fiction that after a horrific shooting, there is a required period of silence -- where we aren't supposed to act. I know people felt that way after I was shot, as well.

But the truth is, the only one who benefits from that waiting period is the gun lobby -- which is why their defenders offer little more than "thoughts and prayers" for the families and condemnations for anyone who demands that our communities deserve more.

In 2018, I am going to work tirelessly to ensure we elect a Congress that is willing to stand up to the gun lobby. And I know the Democratic National Committee will do the same.

Add your name. Pledge to Vote Courage in 2018:

Every day we fail to take action, we choose this fate. We tolerate politicians who fail to acknowledge this crisis and vote against our safety. We let our gun violence epidemic continue day after deadly day.

This cycle has to end. And it will end... with us.

All my best,

Gabby Giffords)