Sunday, December 18, 2016

Water: an abundant space resource.

Me, "This is great news. It means that from a manned exploration point of view: Astronauts should be able to find water, Hydrogen, and Oxygen, to power their rockets, water H2O to consume and oxygen O2 to breath. It makes exploring the solar system easier and less costly than having to bring everything they need with them and back."  

(There's water, water everywhere on the dwarf planet Ceres, according to new research. New observations have provided direct evidence that water ice is ubiquitous on the surface and shallow subsurface of this massive asteroid.
Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt that lies between Mars and Jupiter, and has long been suspected of containing significant amounts of water — estimates projected up to 30 percent of its total mass. Evidence has pointed to water ice being mixed with the rock on Ceres' surface, and in a few rare cases, more concentrated patches of exposed ice have been found. Ceres has even belched up plumes of water vapor.)

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