Sunday, January 28, 2018

Making Hydrocarbon Fuels from Atmospheric Air.

How Carbon Engineering plans to make a fortune out of thin air

David Keith has an idiotically simple-sounding solution for our problematic habit of belching carbon dioxide into the atmosphere: Take it out again. Don't just focus on capturing the CO2 as it escapes a smokestack. Make the atmosphere cleaner by running all of our air through a filter that extracts greenhouse gas.
From article, (David Keith has an idiotically simple-sounding solution for our problematic habit of belching carbon dioxide into the atmosphere: Take it out again. Don’t just focus on capturing the CO2 as it escapes a smokestack. Make the atmosphere cleaner by running all of our air through a filter that extracts greenhouse gas. Simple, right?
Here in Squamish, there’s just a single “gas-liquid contactor.” It looks and sounds like a monster air conditioner, with a powerful fan stack on top and intakes at either end that suck the surrounding air through “packing,” a honeycomb of corrugated plastic. As this happens, a constant flow of a liquid solution, potassium hydroxide, runs over the honeycomb. The solution bonds with the CO2 in the air to create a salt solution called potassium carbonate. Efficiency ranges from 70% to 80%, Holmes says. “Air goes in with about 400 parts per million [of carbon dioxide, or 0.04%] and comes out with something like 100”—less carbon, in other words, than the earth’s atmosphere had prior to the Industrial Revolution.
That, of course, is far from the end of the story. Pumps and pipes take the carbonate solution to a large vessel, known as a pellet reactor, protruding from the top of the metal shed. Here, liquid calcium hydroxide is added, which causes the carbonate to transform into a solid called calcium carbonate. Further processing transforms the solid into pellets the size of a dry grain of rice. Those pellets are eventually fed into an enclosed furnace called a circulating fluid bed calciner.
Amid an inferno of natural gas and pure oxygen, the solid pellets break down, producing three things: pure CO2, water vapour and solid calcium oxide (also known as quicklime). When the last two are combined and cooled, they reconstitute as calcium hydroxide (or slaked lime) and get sent back to the pellet reactor in a perpetual closed loop.
The carbon dioxide, meanwhile, can be cooled and compressed into a liquid, suitable for a number of uses. It could be piped to an underground salt cavern for permanent storage, as it is with most CCS projects. It could be injected into oil or gas wells to push out more hydrocarbons, a process known as enhanced oil recovery (EOR). As it is, the Squamish plant doesn’t have the capacity to do either of these things. The tonne of CO2 it collects per day—about what your car would emit in three months—ends up vented back into the atmosphere. Still, operating less than a year, the pilot is “absolutely a success,” says Corless, who founded Vancouver fuel cell company Cellex Power Products and went on to serve as chief technology officer of Plug Power, the American company that acquired it. Carbon Engineering has an appreciable lead over rivals such as Climeworks of Switzerland and American startup Global Thermostat at demonstrating the feasibility of direct air capture (DAC) of carbon dioxide.
 Now, though, it’s undertaking a new round of financing and forging industry partnerships to pursue the vital next step that would truly set it apart from the competition. It aims to build out the system in Squamish so that it uses the captured atmospheric carbon dioxide to manufacture effectively low- or even zero-emission hydrocarbon fuel that you could burn in your car’s engine.
Basically, the company aims to take its carbon dioxide and combine it with hydrogen extracted from water (using a tried-and-true industrial process known as electrolysis) to make hydrocarbons like synthetic diesel or kerosene. “And if that’s atmospheric CO2, and you’ve used renewable electricity to make the hydrogen, then in principle you can make fuel that is fully carbon-neutral,” Holmes enthuses.
He estimates the all-in cost of producing this fuel in a commercial plant at between US$1 and $1.50 a litre—and a little more than that if you make it really carbon-neutral by replacing natural gas–burning equipment with something running on clean electricity. That can’t touch the pre-tax price of gasoline.
Carbon Engineering has funding in place to continue running its direct air capture plant for 18 months, while finding ways to optimize the process, Corless says. By the second quarter of this year, he expects to have the next round of funding completed. He won’t say how big it will be, but he estimates the cost of adding the fuel-synthesis capability to the Squamish plant at $6 million to $8 million. Gates and Edwards, acquaintances and admirers of Keith since before Carbon Engineering’s founding, have participated in every equity fund-raising round so far, and Corless expects this one will be no different.
Should the fuel pilot turn out as successful as the air capture, the company’s next step would be to identify early markets for commercial application—places with access to cheap renewable energy or surplus industrial hydrogen and that are still able to benefit from low-carbon regulatory jurisdictions. “We’re going to be looking for those opportunities where there’s the pull,” Corless says.)

Me, "While I am a big fan of electric cars and believe they will dominate the future of the automobile, taking CO2 out of the atmosphere and creating some kind of hydrocarbon resource from it, is important. The more we reuse and reduce our CO2 emissions the less problems we will have with Global Warming.
Whether that is as diesel or kerosene that can be used for building heating or airplane use, remains to be seen. But Carbon Engineering has shown it is possible to recover measurable quantities of CO2 out of the atmosphere."

What do you do when you are a Concrete maker and as a byproduct the Concrete emits a lot of CO2? Why not sequester it into the very product it is making, the concrete? CarbonCure's technology does just that.

Carbon XPRIZE contestant CarbonCure expands clean tech penetration in the US | Carbon & Sustainability | JWN Energy

CarbonCure Technologies Inc. has secured a contract to install its CO2 recycling technology at another 16 concrete plants in the U.S., making buyer Thomas Concrete Inc. the world's largest supplier of concrete made with the Nova Scotia-based company's clean technology.
 From article, (CarbonCure Technologies Inc. has secured a contract to install its CO2 recycling technology at another 16 concrete plants in the U.S., making buyer Thomas Concrete Inc. the world’s largest supplier of concrete made with the Nova Scotia-based company’s clean technology.

Thomas Concrete has previously installed the retrofit technology in six locations in the Greater Atlanta Area, bringing the total to 22 plants licensing CarbonCure’s technology once the installations are completed in early 2018.

By partnering with CarbonCure, Thomas Concrete recycles waste CO2 into concrete to increase its environmental, material and economic performance.

Not only is the CO2 permanently converted into a solid mineral within the concrete, but the 
addition of CO2 also improves the compressive strength of concrete. This has allowed Thomas Concrete to optimize its mix designs to unlock operational efficiency while reducing its carbon footprint.

“By adding CarbonCure’s technology into 16 more locations, we’re simultaneously reducing our environmental footprint and providing our customers with access to an affordable greener building product across our U.S. markets,” John Cook, technical director of Thomas Concrete USA, said in a statement.

As Thomas Concrete’s 22 plants start to recycle CO2 in concrete, the reoccurring annual CO2 avoidance is expected to be comparable to what would be consumed by over 13,000 acres of U.S. forest, the company said.

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Ontario Canada wants to store excess electrical power as compressed air and use it the next day to generate power. Air in. Air out.

NRStor Explains Goderich Energy Storage Plan

NRSTor hosted a public meeting in Goderich Thursday night to explain its compressed air energy storage plant in an underground salt cavern in Goderich. Director of Engineering Katherine Peretick says typically at night there tends to be more energy produced than is actually being used.

 From article, (Director of Engineering Katherine Peretick says typically at night there tends to be more energy produced than is actually being used. In fact, Ontario frequently has to pay Michigan to take that surplus energy because there’s no way to quickly ramp down production.
“So instead of paying Michigan to take that electricity, we’re gonna take that electricity, store it in the form of compressed air and then put it back on the electrical grid the next day, during the day when people want the electricity and they want to use it,” she says. “It’s electricity that we’re taking off the electrical grid. We’re running compressors to compress the energy in the form of compressed air and heat in above-ground tanks and when you want the energy back, let little bits of that air out, run it through a turbine so it spins the turbine and that turns a generator and turns it back into electricity.
“There are no emissions, there’s no fuel input, there’s no natural gas, there’s no diesel, there’s nothing, it’s just electricity in, electricity out – air in, air out – so has almost zero impact on the environment,” she adds.)

Not wanting to be left behind in battery technology, the UK, has instituted the Faraday Challenge.

Race is on to develop new battery chemistries and manufacturing processes

For most of the 20th Century, batteries were an overlooked technology. And for good reason; the available batteries - predominantly lead-acid, although disposable zinc-carbon cells were also popular - were entirely suitable for the applications of the time. There was no particular reason to push the technology forwards. But times changed.
From article, (The race is on to develop new battery chemistries and manufacturing processes – and the UK is looking to take the lead.
For most of the 20th Century, batteries were an overlooked technology. And for good reason; the available batteries – predominantly lead-acid, although disposable zinc-carbon cells were also popular – were entirely suitable for the applications of the time. There was no particular reason to push the technology forwards.
But times changed. As the Century drew to a close, portable battery powered consumer electronics devices became widely used. Consumers not only wanted their products to last longer between either installing new batteries or recharging them, but a trend for smaller devices also appeared.
Now, electric and hybrid vehicles have added another twist. Together, these elements have kick started the recent interest in finding new battery technologies and chemistries.
Energy storage was one of the areas selected by ex industry minister David Willetts as one of the Eight Great Technologies. In a paper published in 2013, Willetts noted: “We need better ways to store electricity. This need arises at three distinct levels. First, there are the batteries in all our personal electronic devices. The second level is the development of better energy storage for vehicles. Thirdly, there is the challenge of storing more electricity for the Grid.”
Looking to take advantage of the opportunities, the Government is providing significant funding – as part of its Industrial Strategy – to help UK organisations to get the jump on other countries. Business and Energy Secretary Greg Clark announced in July 2017 the launch of the first phase of a £246million investment into battery technology designed to ensure the UK builds on its strengths and leads the world in the design, development and manufacture of electric batteries.
Known as the Faraday Challenge, the four year investment will feature a coordinated programme of competitions, delivered via Innovate UK, that aims to boost the research and development of battery technology.
 Automotive Council targets for 2035
  • Reduce battery cell cost from £100/kWh to £38/kWh
  • Double energy density to 500Wh/kg
  • Increase battery cell operating temperature range to -40 to 80°C
  • Improve a battery pack’s recyclability from 10 to 50% today to 95%)

Lithium Air? Solid State? Lithium Sulfur? Batteries. Which will rise to the top as the next power source for electric cars?

Here's What Will Be Powering Next-Generation Electric Cars " News

Although gasoline vehicles are getting more efficient, there's no denying that they still pose some harm to the environment. The future of motoring is electric vehicles. Electric vehicles are seen as a global saviour, something that can help fix the damage internal combustion has wreaked on the environment.
From article, (Most EVs currently use a lithium-ion batteries, and some Toyota hybrids use older nickel-metal hydride batteries.
However, despite being used in just about every EV and hybrid, lithium-ion batteries have a low energy density. That means that for their size, they don’t pack much power
One solution to make lithium batteries more energy dense is to use carbon instead of heavier metals. The carbon would react with oxygen to make electricity, but although it’s called lithium air, it’s still a type of battery. IBM has been researching and developing these batteries in order to provide a new type of energy storage for electric vehicles.
In theory, this could help improve the range of EVs, although there are still some kinks to be worked out, including how stable the technology is — it has had some difficulties recharging and is prone to losing its charge through many cycles. Expect it to hit cars as soon as 2020.
 Solid state batteries shun the liquid materials used in current lithium-ion batteries and do away with that lithium air idea. Instead, it uses non-volatile materials that are stable at high temperatures. That’s a big deal because extreme temperatures wear out current batteries, which reduces their effectiveness. Solid state batteries, in comparison, would be safer and longer lasting.
Several companies are investing a lot of money into this technology, including Dyson, with the promise that it would bring about more power-dense batteries than we currently have. For example, the current Tesla-Panasonic batteries that are considered to be the benchmark in the EV industry feature a 240 Watt-hour per kilogram specification. Solid state batteries would be somewhere around 400 Wh/kg.
Another way to reduce the costs associated with batteries is to utilize materials and chemicals that are more abundant. Sulfur is such a resource, and is expected to supercede lithium-ion as the go-to battery of choice because of its higher energy density and lower cost.
Lithium sulfur batteries are also supposedly lighter than lithium-ion units, which should help with efficiency and range. Theoretically, they can hold up to three times more energy than a comparable lithium ion battery.)

Me, "Whatever battery technology finally takes off, it will ultimately be to the benefit of the electric car driver."

NYS Asks Construction Companies how they would fund a tunnel from Long Island to Westchester. Hint: Raise the money from private investors, use tolls on the future tunnel, as a way of being paid back, and a little over as profit.

Westchester tunnel across Long Island Sound takes next step

CLOSE ALBANY - New York officials appear to have zeroed in on Westchester for a potential tunnel across the Long Island Sound and are now turning to the private sector to gauge interest. Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration issued a formal request Friday to the construction industry and private-equity investors, urging them to express interest in building a tunnel from Long Island.
From article, (New York officials appear to have zeroed in on Westchester for a potential tunnel across the Long Island Sound and are now turning to the private sector to gauge interest.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration issued a formal request Friday to the construction industry and private-equity investors, urging them to express interest in building a tunnel from Long Island.

The request focuses entirely on a tunnel ending in Westchester County and not Connecticut, where the state had also studied as a potential landing spot.

 In order to submit, a contractor must have led a bridge or tunnel project of at least $1 billion in size, while equity investors would need experience with individual projects exceeding $500 million.

Contractors and investors that don't meet those requirements would be able to put together a broader partnership, similar to the consortium of companies involved in building the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge connecting Westchester and Rockland.

Those who are interested are asked to submit ideas and how they would build and, perhaps more importantly, pay for a tunnel. The deadline to submit ideas is April 2.

During a state budget hearing, Karas told lawmakers that Gov. Andrew Cuomo is "very interested" in the project and the Department of Transportation is moving forward with the next steps.

That includes analyzing the "economic, engineering and environmental aspects" of a tunnel, he said, and whether the private sector and construction industry have any ideas for how to pay for it.

"We will be working with the private sector, with industry, to determine what interest and funding they may suggest for that project," Karas said during the hearing, which focused on the transportation initiatives in Cuomo's $168 billion budget proposal.)

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Me, "NYS Asks Construction Companies how they would fund a tunnel from Long Island to Westchester. Hint: Raise the money from private investors, use tolls on the future tunnel, as a way of being paid back, and a little over as profit. If this tunnel is to be built? It has to be done in a way where NYS does not have to contribute much in funding. If it can be built with private funds, that would be reimbursed with some profit from tolls, this could lead to more construction projects, funded in this way down the road. 
Now a days states don't have the money for big infrastructure projects. This has led to many infrastructure proposals but no Government money to fund them."

Wireless Fiber. 5G is Faster than a Wired Home Cable Internet Connection. It will start to change how we connect to the internet.

What Is 5G, and How Fast Will It Be?

You couldn't escape the 5G hype at CES 2018. Everyone-from Samsung and Intel to cellular carriers and smartphone companies-wants you to know how amazing 5G will be. Samsung called it "wireless fiber", promising super-fast low latency internet everywhere. 5G is supposed to be faster than a typical home cable internet connection today...and it's wireless, too.
From article, (Samsung call[s] it “wireless fiber”, promising super-fast low latency internet everywhere. 5G is supposed to be faster than a typical home cable internet connection today…and it’s wireless, too.

 Tech companies are promising a lot from 5G. While 4G tops out at a theoretical 100 megabits per second (Mbps), 5G tops out at 10 gigabits per second (Gbps). That means 5G is a hundred times faster than the current 4G technology—at its theoretical maximum speed, anyway.
For example, the Consumer Technology Association pointed out that, at this speed, you could download a two-hour movie in just 3.6 seconds on 5G, versus 6 minutes on 4G or 26 hours on 3G.
It’s not just throughput, either. 5G promises to significantly reduce latency, which means faster load times and improved responsiveness when doing just about anything on the internet. Specifically, the specification promises a maximum latency of 4ms on 5G versus 20ms on 4G LTE today.
At these speeds, 5G beats current home cable internet connections and is more comparable to fiber. Landline internet companies like Comcast, Cox, and others may face serious competition—especially when they’re the only option for speedy home internet in a certain area. Wireless carriers can deliver an alternative without laying down physical wires to every home.)

Cable Giant Charter worries over 5G

Cable giant Charter tests fixed 5G in 6 cities, plans rural broadband push

Facing impending threats from 5G wireless carriers, cable operator Charter Communications has announced fixed 5G wireless tests in six cities, and plans to expand broadband service in rural communities. At the same time, the company hinted that it will seek "regulatory parity" to prevent wireless competitors from gaining advantages over the wired cable industry.
From article, (Facing impending threats from 5G wireless carriers, cable operator Charter Communications has announced fixed 5G wireless tests in six cities, and plans to expand broadband service in rural communities. At the same time, the company hinted that it will seek “regulatory parity” to prevent wireless competitors from gaining advantages over the wired cable industry.

 Charter is currently the second-largest cable operator in the U.S., servicing 25 million customers in 41 states under the Spectrum brand. Lacking a wireless division, Charter focuses on wired internet, phone, and TV services offered over “existing wireline infrastructure” and is testing 5G wireless specifically to provide “wireline-like broadband connectivity and speeds” to customers in rural communities. The company’s 5G tests are ongoing in:
  • Orlando, Florida
  • Reno, Nevada
  • Clarksville, Tennessee
  • Columbus, Ohio
  • Bakersfield, California
  • Grand Rapids, Michigan
Cellular carriers including VerizonT-Mobile, and AT&T have expressed excitement over ultra-fast 5G’s potential to let them compete in the broadband market. For that reason, Charter’s decision to test 5G is at least as defensive as offensive, enabling the all-wired company to dip its toe in wireless waters while continuing to tout the advantages of its cable infrastructure.)

Second Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant comes to the U.A.E.

DEWA studying feasibility for 400-MW pumped-storage facility in Arabian Gulf

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) will study the feasibility of building a 400-MW pumped-storage hydropower plant in Hatta, Dubai, United Arab Emirates." DEWA made the announcement on Jan. 15, saying it has signed a memorandum of agreement (MoA) with GCC Interconnection Authority and Belgian Dredging, Environmental & Marine Engineering Group to conduct the study.

 From article, (Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) will study the feasibility of building a 400-MW pumped-storage hydropower plant in Hatta, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.”
DEWA made the announcement on Jan. 15, saying it has signed a memorandum of agreement (MoA) with GCC Interconnection Authority and Belgian Dredging, Environmental & Marine Engineering Group to conduct the study.
The amount of the MoA was not released.
According to DEWA, the MoA aims to study building a 400-MW pumped-storage hydropower station in the Arabian Gulf that has a 2,500 MWh storage capacity in an effort to diversify DEWA’s energy mix and enhance energy storage technologies.
DEWA Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, HE Saeed Mohammad Ahmad Al Tayer, said, “This supports the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050 to make Dubai a global hub for clean energy and green economy, and provide 75% of Dubai’s total power output from clean energy by 2050.”
Al Tayer also said the innovative 400-MW project, “which will be the first of its kind in the region, builds on DEWA’s success in launching a 250-MW pumped-storage hydroelectric power station in Hatta.”
In May, reported DEWA announced it awarded a US$15.8 million consultancy contract to France’s EDF for the US$523 million 250-MW pumped-storage project in Hatta at Al Hattawi Dam.
DEWA says the 250-MW Hatta project will use water from Al Hattawi Reservoir, which is 400 meters above sea level and has a capacity of 1,716 million gallons. An upper reservoir will be built 700 meters above sea level and solar energy will power hydro turbines to pump water from the lower reservoir to the upper reservoir. The horizontal distance between the two reservoirs will be 3 to 4 kilometers and have a 300-meter difference in height.)

Why Mulch in Gardens is Important

Smart gardeners improve their soil and weed control with organic mulch

Posted on January 24, 2018 by Rebecca Finneran , Rebecca Krans and Nate Walton, Michigan State University Extension Mulch can be utilized in nearly every garden setting. From a robust vegetable garden to ornamental landscape beds, preventing seeds from germinating is the best defense against a weedy garden.

 From article, (Mulch can be utilized in nearly every garden setting. From a robust vegetable garden to ornamental landscape beds, preventing seeds from germinating is the best defense against a weedy garden. Mulch will smother annual weed seeds and reduce or eliminate cultivation, hand weeding and chemical weed control while contributing beneficial organic matter.
A blanket of mulch helps regulate soil temperatures and slow moisture losses to create the perfect environment for plant roots. Additionally, organic mulches break down over time. Increased organic matter aids the soil’s ability to retain plant nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. Mulches applied near planting beds and trees have the added benefit of decreasing mechanical damage from lawn mowers and string trimmers.
An MSU study demonstrated that organic mulch regulates soil temperatures by as much as 18 degrees at mid-day, which allows moisture levels to remain more consistent and diminishes moisture losses. A caution, though: Mulching may decrease the need for watering, but does not replace it.
Another important benefit of mulch is to protect vegetable plants from disease infection. Soil harbors disease spores that can splash up on the plant when it rains or during overhead irrigation. Covering the soil with mulch prevents these spores from reaching your plants, breaking the disease cycle and allowing your plants to produce healthier foliage and fruit.)

Canada offers $200 million dollars, for Emerging Renewable Energy projects, in a plan, to build a clean energy economy.

Canada gets behind Emerging Renewable Power Program

The funding for the Emerging Renewable Power Program is part of the Government's investment of $21.9 billion over 11 years to support green infrastructure under the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. The program is designed to help drive Canada's efforts to build a clean economy by expanding commercial and utility-scale viable, investment-ready, renewable power technologies, such as tidal, geothermal and offshore wind.
From article, (In order to expand innovative renewable energy resources, Canada's Natural Resources Minister, Jim Carr, announced the government was now accepting “expressions of interest” for its $200-million Emerging Renewable Power Program.

The funding for the Emerging Renewable Power Program is part of the Government’s investment of $21.9 billion over 11 years to support green infrastructure under the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change.
The program is designed to help drive Canada’s efforts to build a clean economy by expanding commercial and utility-scale viable, investment-ready, renewable power technologies, such as tidal, geothermal and offshore wind. Interested parties can submit applications by February 11, 2018.

The program wants to know about projects that are either not in Canada but already established commercially in other countries, or in Canada, but haven’t been scaled up. The government will even think about funding environmental assessments associated with any energy plans submitted.

 Canada has been blessed with plenty of natural resources, especially for hydropower. And according to a 2017 National Energy Board report, close to two-thirds of Canada's power generating capacity already comes from renewable energy, with 58.8 percent of all nationwide electricity generation in 2016 coming from hydropower.
But Natural Resources Canada is also looking at emerging renewable resources, like geothermal, tidal power, offshore wind, smaller hydropower plants and solar-combined plants. These emerging renewable projects “face higher risks, costs and more regulatory issues than projects using established renewable energy sources," Natural Resources Canada says.)

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Vice President Pence, head of the National Space Council, is watching the upcoming Falcon Heavy Launch with intense interest.

The White House seems interested in the Falcon Heavy launch

As the head of the recently established National Space Council, Vice President Mike Pence is the most important person in the United States when it comes to determining space policy. In this role, Pence oversees the development of US military, civil, and commercial space efforts.

From article, (As the head of the recently established National Space Council, Vice President Mike Pence is the most important person in the United States when it comes to determining space policy. In this role, Pence oversees the development of US military, civil, and commercial space efforts.
The Trump administration has come into office at a time when new space companies such as SpaceX and Blue Origin are challenging dominant aerospace industry companies, such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin. A key difference between the new competitors is that they're willing to invest more of their own funds into developing launch vehicles—both SpaceX's Falcon Heavy and Blue Origin's New Glenn rockets have been substantially funded by private money. Successful flights by these vehicles may raise questions about why the federal government should spend billions of taxpayer dollars on traditional contractors for other heavy lift vehicles.
Early next month, the first of these privately funded rockets, SpaceX's Falcon Heavy, should finally make a test flight from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. If successful, the Falcon Heavy, with a lifting capacity of 54 tons to low-Earth orbit, will become twice as powerful as any rocket in operation today.
So far, the Trump administration has played it both ways—acknowledging the importance of the newly emerging private space sector but also offering praise for NASA's large and costly Space Launch System. However, sources have indicated that Pence's office is closely watching the private companies and success here could have policy implications.
That appeared to be confirmed Saturday in a tweet by Nick Ayers, chief of staff for Pence. Referring directly to the upcoming Falcon Heavy launch, Ayers tweeted, "Major (positive) ramifications for US space industry if this goes according to plan." Here, a key Pence confidant seems to be saying that the Falcon Heavy could prove a game changer by offering the United States a new launch capability at low cost to taxpayers.)