Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Generating Good Press

From Article, "Boring! Is Elon Musk digging his own hole?"
(What will the Boring Company do? Who knows? He might create a brand new infrastructure specifically for driverless cars. He might begin to manufacture machines capable of drilling the first Hyperloop routes. He might, I don’t know, drill a tunnel to Mars. My stupid human brain isn’t powerful enough to keep up with Elon Musk.)

Me, "Elon Musk knows how to generate news. In this day and age where constructing underground tunnels is a billion dollar job, maybe he sees tunneling as a place where he can make mass transit or massive underground highways cheaper than the sandhog union workers of today can. Plus, if we do get to Mars, we are going to need tunneling technology, to survive underground, from the solar radiation on the surface. I could see Elon Musk creating a new, easier and less costly to use tunneling device, and as he is perfecting it have astronauts, in full Mars suit get up, learning how to use it for a mission to Mars. Besides, if he were joking about this wouldn't he have said so? And if it isn't a joke he realizes that tunneling will be an important technology to master."

The Boring Companies New Underground Drill?

(Zaptec has a new plasma drilling technology which could achieve practical, affordable, and reliable deep drilling on the Moon, asteroids, Mars, and its moons. The drilling system comprises a freely advancing drill head tethered by a power cable to a power source topside and high voltage generator downhole. The drill advances by generating a high-energy density plasma at the drill head which breaks down and pulverizes the target rock. A key enabling technology is the system’s ability to deliver high energy plasma discharges via low mass, small volume power transformers located in the
drill head section. Powder cuttings may be removed by circulating compressed CO2.)

Me, "The Boring Company that Elon Musk may want to start, could use this technology on Earth, to test, and use on Earth and as another form of income from Earth for Space Operations. It could lead to greatly decrease drilling times for construction projects and could be used on Mars. the Moon, and other places."

A New Construction Project for Elon

Me, "Elon Musk seems serious about tunneling."

(Musk had even suggested the tunnel idea a little more seriously almost a year ago, during a question-and-answer session after the awards ceremony for a competition to design passenger pods for the hyperloop.
"It's a really simple and obvious idea and I wish more people would do it: build more tunnels," Musk said after the ceremony on January 30, 2016. "Tunnels are great. It's just a hole in the ground, it's not that hard. But if you have tunnels in cities you would massively alleviate congestion and you could have tunnels at all different levels; you could probably have 30 layers of tunnels and completely fix the congestion problem in high-density cities. So, I strongly recommend tunnels.")