Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Why are we spending this much money on SLS when you have Spacex's Falcon Heavy and Blue Origin's, soon, New Glenn rockets to compete with. The Best path forward is to Privatize SLS and Let Boeing operate it.

Could a Lunar Fuel Depot Jump-Start Human Exploration of Deep Space? - Out There

In my previous post I started a conversation with spaceflight entrepreneur Charles Miller, who shared his insights about how NASA's human spaceflight program got been stuck in low-Earth orbit and how we could enter a new era of deep-space adventure. Part one of the interview focused on the role of private industry in radically lowering ...

 From article, (Meanwhile, what do you do with huge pieces of NASA infrastructure already underway, most notably the Space Launch System (SLS)?
I wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed in 2013 with [former Pennsylvania representative] Bob Walker. I suggested that the best path forward is to privatize SLS and let Boeing operate it on a level playing field with SpaceX and Blue Origin. I don’t think anything else makes any sense. It’s an easy way for Congress to rectify the situation.
In a world where the [new SpaceX] Falcon Heavy and the [upcoming Blue Origin] New Glenn rockets are launching, everybody is looking around and saying, “Why are we spending all this money on SLS?” If SLS is a better launch vehicle, it’ll win on a level playing field. Boeing gets free development costs – it spent over $20 billion [in government contracts] to develop SLS. Boeing will get the benefit of that, and we’ll just call that a wash. If Boeing can’t compete with SLS under those circumstances then it’s their problem, right?)

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