Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Tolling needs to be looked at when cars don't pay into the Gas Tax anymore.

Five imperatives for transportation infrastructure funding

In early 2018 the Trump administration will turn its attention to our deteriorating and outmoded infrastructure. It is about time. The federal gas tax has not been increased since 1993. The Highway Trust Fund that distributes gas tax dollars to states is facing insolvency even after a $70 billion transfer from general revenues in 2016.

 From article, (In early 2018 the Trump administration will turn its attention to our deteriorating and outmoded infrastructure. It is about time. The federal gas tax has not been increased since 1993. The Highway Trust Fund that distributes gas tax dollars to states is facing insolvency even after a $70 billion transfer from general revenues in 2016.
According to the Committee for Responsible Federal Budgets, “CBO projects those funds to run out by 2021. By 2022, spending will total $58 billion while revenue will total $40 billion … Over the next decade, spending will exceed revenue and reserves by $139 billion.”
Tolling interstates is not available to most states because of federal regulations. Tolling is fair and, with new technologies, can be very efficient. It is relatively easy to retrofit a highway with gantry to collect tolls electronically.
Tolling is the next logical user fee as the federal gas tax reaches the limits of its ability to generate revenue. It should be an option in any funding formula.)

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