Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A Universal Vaccine for the Flu can't come fast enough. The good news is that this technique can be used with other viruses, too.

Universal vaccine could end annual flu shots and eventually work for other viruses, too

Flu cases are on the rise across the U.S. as the season gets underway, but vaccinations for the bug aren't always popular. Last flu season, the CDC says just 41.7 percent of American adults got a flu shot.
 From article, (“It is coming, this is the future of flu vaccines -- to have a universal flu vaccine,” Fuller said. “We really believe we can do better than to have to guess every single year what to include in the vaccine and hope it's a good enough match,” she said.
The new “universal” vaccine uses genetic material of the influenza virus – the part that doesn't mutate – and teaches your body to recognize it.
“They go like little micro injections into your skin cells,” Fuller explained.
But you won’t have to endure a shot or any needles. Her lab developed a "gene gun" that loads up microscopic particles with the DNA into a cartridge, then it uses gas to push out the particles into your skin.
“Then your skin cells are going to start producing flu antigens,” Fuller said.
Fuller is also working on developing a disposable version of the gene gun that would be self-contained and could be widely distributed.
She says the gene gun doesn’t hurt at all, because the particles are too small for your skin to feel.
The DNA vaccine is something Fuller says she’s worked on for 12 years.
Her team has already shown monkeys that got the new DNA vaccine were protected even from mutated strains of the flu. Their research was just published last week.
Fuller says it could mean the end of the annual flu shot.
“You get this and you should have immunity for many years against any kind of flu that comes about,” she said.
The new vaccine still needs to go through clinical trials with humans. Fuller hopes it will be on the market in five to 10 years.
Fuller and her team are already testing the technology of DNA vaccines with other diseases, like Zika and HIV.)

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