Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Getting a new 2018 Leaf in Japan? Get free installation of Solar Panels on your home.

Nissan promotes solar energy with new 2018 Leaf

Electric vehicles and home solar energy go hand in hand. It enables electric vehicle owners to drive on sunshine and mitigate any increase in electricity consumption due to their new vehicle. In the past, Nissan has often partnered with solar installers to promote solar energy with new electric vehicle purchases and now they started doing it again in Japan with the new 2018 Leaf.

 From article, (The Japanese automaker announced yesterday:
“Owners of the new Nissan LEAF in Japan can receive free installation of solar panels for their homes if they sign up for an electricity retail plan offered by Ecosystem Japan. The offer is part of a joint campaign by Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. and Ecosystem Japan. It aims to promote the use of clean energy to power the 100% electric Nissan LEAF.
New LEAF owners who sign up for Ecosystem’s Jibun Denryoku (“personal electricity”) plan qualify for free installation of a solar power generation system. They can also get a discount on a plan called the Daytime Assist Plan. Participants are encouraged to charge their LEAFs during the day using electricity from their solar panels, or at night when demand for grid power is lower.”
Ecosystem Japan is a solar panel installer in Japan.
Now, the “free installation of solar panels” is not as simple as that. The footnote says that New Leaf owners need to sign up for a 20-year power purchase agreement and after the contract is ended, the ownership of the system is transferred to the Leaf owner for free.)

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