Wednesday, January 17, 2018

There is a Plastic shortage In Japan. Companies need to decide what is more important? Plastic Bags or Electric Cars.

Plastic bags squeezed by electric car demand - Nikkei Asian Review

TOKYO -- Shoppers in Japan may find themselves paying a few more yen at checkout for plastic bags in the weeks and months ahead, and electric cars may be to blame. As petrochemical companies shift production toward higher-end plastics used in electric car batteries and auto body panels, prices for general-purpose polypropylene and polyethylene are at their highest in three years.

 Me, "This may be a trend in other Electric car adapting countries, where oil that would have gone into fueling cars is now used to create electric cars."
From article, (Shoppers in Japan may find themselves paying a few more yen at checkout for plastic bags in the weeks and months ahead, and electric cars may be to blame.
As petrochemical companies shift production toward higher-end plastics used in electric car batteries and auto body panels, prices for general-purpose polypropylene and polyethylene are at their highest in three years.
Polypropylene and polyethylene are general-purpose resins used to make plastic bags, films for food packaging and industrial pallets, to name a few. Higher costs for these materials are a blow to makers of these products.
petrochemical companies are increasing their output of synthetic resins for more specialized applications, such as lithium-ion batteries and car exteriors, as they take advantage of growing worldwide demand for electric vehicles. At Mitsui Chemicals, the parent company of Prim Polymer, high value-added products account for some 80% of synthetic resin production. Tsutomu Tannowa, Mitsui Chemicals' president, said the company will raise that share still higher.)

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