Saturday, May 27, 2017

Solar and Wind are starting to shine as affordable fuels as compared to fossil fuels.

From 2014... From article, (A new study suggests that wind and solar plants are already competing with fossil fuel costs in Europe. Soon, even household rooftop solar PV systems will generate electricity cheaper than coal. And it won’t have the delivery costs. The study from Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems says the cost of rooftop solar in the southern parts of Germany is already as cheap as €0.08c/kWh ($A12c/kWh). Even in northern Germany, where there is little sun, solar can be generated at €0.14c/kWh, half the cost of grid-based electricity. By 2030, the study says, the levellised cost of energy (LCOE) from rooftop solar PV will have fallen to around €0.06c/kWh. In sunnier countries, such as Australia, the Middle East, southern Europe and western US, not to mention Africa and Latin America, the cost of solar will be lower still, at around €0.043c/kWh. It says onshore wind in Germany already between €0.05c/kWh and €0.11ckWh, although this is unlikely to achieve significant further cost reductions. Fuel costs for fossil fuel plants, however, are likely to rise. “Even small roof-installed PV systems will be able to compete with onshore wind and also with the higher generation costs in the future from brown coal, hard coal and combined cycle gas power plants,” Fraunhofer ISE director, professor Eicke Weber said in the report) Rooftop solar PV will soon be cheaper than coal

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