Saturday, May 27, 2017

A Party at Odds with clean energy.

From 2016... From article, (A new analysis from the U.S Department of Energy reveals that despite GOP opposition to wind and solar incentives, many of their home states, such as Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas, have benefited the most from the shift to renewables. In 2015, two-thirds of the country’s new electric generation capacity came from wind and solar. Last year was the second-straight year in which wind and solar projects outpaced fossil fuel. The trend is expected to continue in 2016.)

Me, "It amazes me that the Republican Party, whose members are against solar and wind incentives come from states that are benefiting the most from them. This doesn't make sense. You'd think they would be for them. This is one of the odd things about the Republican Party. The other thing is they are supposed to be a job creation party, renewable energy creates jobs. So they would rather kill these kinds of jobs for fossil fuel jobs. Odd."

Wind and Solar Outpaced Fossil Fuels Again Even in Republican-Led States Fighting Climate Action

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