Saturday, May 27, 2017

While Trump was taking down Obama era energy policies a funny thing happened out West.

From article, (While President Trump and the Republican-led Congress have been working to undermine environmental protections throughout the country, the Midwest has taken big steps to advance groundbreaking clean energy policies and investments.
 From the Future Energy Jobs Act in Illinois to the record-shattering wind generation levels in Iowa, it’s clear that the heartland states―and their Republican governors―realize what the Trump administration does not: Good clean energy policies just make sense, promoting strong economic development and a healthy environment. In the weeks following the 2016 election, something remarkable happened in the Midwest: Several sweeping clean energy victories took place in Republican-led states―with bipartisan support.
Midwestern states have some of the cheapest wind prices in the country, allowing the region to become a leader in wind energy investment. More than 29,250 MW of wind capacity is installed across 12 states, and four states place in the top 10 for installed capacity nationwide: Iowa, Kansas, Illinois, and Minnesota. And with that investment comes thousands of jobs: Nearly 569,000 workers in the Midwest are employed in clean energy sectors, primarily in energy efficiency and renewables. Many major utilities are taking advantage of the low wind prices: MidAmerican Energy announced that, largely due to the low cost of wind investment, the utility is aiming to reach 100 percent renewable energy while keeping its customers’ rates frozen until at least 2029. After announcing plans for a multistate wind investment, the CEO of Xcel Energy declared: “We’re investing big in wind because of the tremendous economic value it brings to our customers.)

Me, "We stand at a time when renewable energy is just too good an energy source to be passed up."

Trump Can't Stop This: Climate Action in the Midwest

This post was written by my colleague, Elisheva Mittelman. Welcome to the second blog in our monthly series highlighting the clean energy achievements and climate action continuing across the United States―despite the Trump administration's efforts to roll back federal climate policies. Each blog will focus on a different region of the country.

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