Saturday, May 27, 2017

A Giant Tower could be the Hover Dam of the Desert.

From 2014... From article, (The idea goes like this: Water is sprayed at the top, causing hot air to become heavy and fall through the tower. By the time it reaches the bottom, it’s reaching speeds of up to 50 miles per hour, which is ideal for running the turbines. The advantage over standard solar and wind energy is the plant runs continuously, day and night. There are no intermittency issues from the sun failing to shine, and you don’t need to dust off any solar panels to keep things going. As long as the air is warm enough (which is likely in Arizona), the tower will keep creating draft effects. The plant itself runs under its own generated energy: about 11% of output goes to pumping the water to the top again, and about three-quarters of the water is collected at the bottom, according to Ron Pickett, CEO of Solar Wind Energy Tower, the Maryland company behind the design. “This is totally clean energy that actually makes money,” he says in an interview. “It makes energy at a cost comparable to if you were using natural gas to power a plant. ”In a sense, the technology is the least complicated thing. People have been working on variants of solar wind towers for more than a century. In the 1980s, engineers in Spain built a 640-foot test tower that pushed air upwards through turbines (by warming the air). It generated power for seven years until it fell over in a storm. The tougher issue is the enormous expense. To start generating meaningful amounts of power, you need something very large, and very large things tend to be costly. The Arizona project is likely to cost as much as $1.5 billion, according to Pickett.)
 Me, "A version of this technology I posted a while back. Its nice to see the technology is being considered possible and could be brought into reality." This Giant Tower In The Desert Could Generate As Much Power As The Hoover Dam

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