Friday, December 16, 2016

Trump Surrounding Himself With A Lot Of Wise People

From article, "What Elon Musk’s Addition to Trump’s Advisory Team Means"

(Trump Tower, meet Tesla. President-elect Donald Trump invited Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk to help advise and shape potential policies. Trump listed Musk as one of three additions to his Presidential Strategic Policy Forum.
The addition of another CEO shouldn’t surprise anyone, as the president-elect seems content with surrounding himself with a cadre of like-minded millionaires. Trump also seems to be meeting with nearly everyone – be it friend or frenemy – who he thinks can help give some level of ‘normalcy’ and stabilize the whirlwind of post-election controversy. Musk’s invitation to the advisory board also makes a lot more sense than Kanye West’s recent discussion at Trump Tower.
As an aggressive businessman and progressive innovator, Musk could sway the president-elect to rethink his strategy on climate change.)

Me, "I think it is a positive thing that Trump thinks highly enough of Elon Musk that he is including him in meetings and on his policy forum. Everybody is like, 'Oh no, Trump will lead us into a war. Or, Oh no, Trump doesn't' know how to lead. 
But from what I have seen. He is taking his new job as president seriously, surrounding himself with a lot of wise people. What else can you ask for?"

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