Friday, December 16, 2016

Help is on the way...

Me, "One of the first major meds to universally help with Schizophrenia. More meds are on the way."

By Raining (talk) - I (Raining (talk)) created this work entirely by myself.Transferred from en.wikipedia, Public Domain,
(While the neurogenic correlates of schizophrenia aren’t fully understood,  researchers are making progress.  A majority of individuals with schizophrenia have a difficult time functioning in society (holding down a job, socializing, etc.) without proper treatment.  Modern day treatments for schizophrenia include medications called atypical antipsychotics, which aim to primarily normalize dopamine dysfunction within the brain.
The major drawback associated with most modern day antipsychotics is their side effect profiles.  Many antipsychotics provoke extreme weight gain, metabolic changes, alter hormones, and trigger extrapyramidal effects.  To make matters worse, evidence indicates that antipsychotics cause brain volume loss over time, literally accelerating brain atrophy.
Adverse reactions to antipsychotics can include: diabetes, tardive dyskinesia, and neuroleptic malignant syndrome – all of which are serious medical conditions.  For this reason, most educated individuals are aware that antipsychotics should be regarded as dangerous psychiatric drugs – only to be taken at the minimal effective dose for approved conditions like schizophrenia.  Despite the relatively unappealing antipsychotics on the market, pharmaceutical companies are working to create better options.)
A list of new meds on the way:

1. ABT-126, 

2. ADX-1149 (JNJ-40411813),

 3. ALKS 3831,

4. AQW051, 

5. Aripiprazole Lauroxil (ALKS 9072),

6. AVL-3288,

 7. AVN-211, 

8. Cariprazine,

9. CEP-26401 (Irdabisant),

10. Encenicline,

11. ITI-007, 

12. MIN-101,

13. NW-3509,

14. OMS-824,

15.Pimavanserin (Nuplazid),

16. RBP-7000,


18.Syntocinon (Nasal Spray),


20. Lu AF35700,

Me, "For more information about these and newer experimental drugs go to: 20+ New Schizophrenia Medications In Development (2015)"

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