Friday, December 16, 2016

The End of Cash?

From Smart Card paying:

By محمد الفيلالي - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

 to Smart Phone paying:

By StephenVaz - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Is all good, but I still appreciate cash:

Public Domain,

Me, "You can relax. I am pretty sure cash isn't going to go away. There are many uses that cash just won't be replaced by. And of course there are the people who got buried by huge credit card bills and want nothing to do with credit card companies and their cell phone apps. Cash will always be necessary because what happens if your cell phone runs out of power and you're at a restaurant with your date. Or, someone hacks your phone? and steals your monetary info? When was the last time your cash got hacked? Stolen? Maybe, but hacked? No. So, don't worry. This new way of paying will be like credit cards another form of payment but cash will still be around."

(Smart-chip credit cards are so 2015.
In 2016 and beyond, mobile phones will become the hot new way to pay for goods at retailers, and the number of people who use such technology is set to explode.
U.S. consumers are projected to spend nearly $9 billion buying goods in-store via their smartphones this year, but that number will jump to more than $27 billion the following year, and pass $200 billion by 2019, according to a new report from eMarketer.
The average user will spend about $375 this year via in-store mobile payments, but by 2019, he’ll spend more than $3,000 that way.)

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