Friday, December 16, 2016

Renewable Energy Is A Jobs Creator

Picture By Jürgen from Sandesneben, Germany - Flickr, CC BY 2.0,

(More than 8.1 million people are now working for the global renewable energy industry, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency.
A new report, Renewable Energy and Jobs — Annual Review 2016 (PDF), published Wednesday by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), revealed the new jobs figure of 8.1 million, a 5% increase from 2015, which does not include the approximate 1.3 million people currently employed by the large-hydropower sector.
These figures are important, not only as they show the continuing rise of the global renewable energy industry, but also as they contrast significantly with an overall decrease in jobs in the global energy sector at large. IRENA pointed to the US in its press release to highlight this contrast, which saw renewable energy jobs increase by 6% in 2015, while employment in oil and gas decreased by 18%.
“This increase is being driven by declining renewable energy technology costs and enabling policy frameworks,” said Adnan Z. Amin, IRENA Director-General. “We expect this trend to continue as the business case for renewables strengthens and as countries move to achieve their climate targets agreed in Paris.”)

Me, "Very Interesting. It shows that renewable clean power is developing (and other new energy technologies), helping reduce our dependence on Fossil Fuels. There will always be a need for Fossil Fuels in the chemicals industry, but we have to be careful about what we dump into the atmosphere: CO2, Methane, and if renewable energy is catching on, it helps everyone. We only have one Earth, for now. We have to be protective of it. Even if we find a second Earth, terraform another planet, or many many more Earths out in space, (By more Earths, I mean habitable planets) what we learn here, protecting our planet, we can use out there."

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