Friday, December 16, 2016

It's All About Safety.

By Peter van der Sluijs - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Me, "It's all about safety, and getting used to drones doing things we are just starting to imagine. Its just a matter of time before they become a normal part of society. Imagine, the car was considered a dangerous technology compared to the horse when it debuted. But, it has since supplanted the horse and been seen by society as a necessary technology. The same start out fear with cars is now happening with drones. 10-20 years from now, we will wonder why we didn't have them, sooner, doing things for us."

From article, "2016 will be the dawn of the drone age"

(For those unfamiliar with the drone debate, a set of stringent rules governing their use might seem like overkill. But as a number of reports (more on that later) throughout the year indicated, left unchecked, many drone users risk endangering public safety and invading the privacy of unsuspecting neighbors.

Of course, the new rules won't necessarily solve all of these issues in the coming year and beyond, but by making every drone user directly accountable, the chances of someone operating a drone recklessly will probably decrease.)

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