Thursday, January 25, 2018

To become a Multi-User Spaceport, Kennedy Space Center is negotiating with private space companies its next steps.

KSC, Cape & Brownsville launch pads to shepherd busy launch schedules

As Kennedy Space Center continues its transition to becoming a multi-user spaceport, more details are emerging about its possible future, including a new small vehicle launch complex, a New Armstrong launch pad, and a SpaceX BFR assembly facility. SpaceX, meanwhile, has also been making slow but steady progress at the location of their future South Texas Launch Site.
From article, (In order to become a multi-user spaceport, KSC must be ready to support a wide variety of rockets and have appropriate launch facilities for those vehicles. This can involve leasing existing facilities to companies, such as Pad 39A being leased to SpaceX. However, the needs of specific rockets could warrant the construction of a new launch pad, or even a new launch complex, containing multiple launch pads.
Blue Origin is currently talking with NASA about constructing a new, large launch facility for their New Armstrong rocket north of 39B, where the original Pad 39C would have been located. This new facility, if built, would be named Launch Complex 49. The Environmental Impact Study for the planned launch site is currently underway.
Since LC-39C won’t be used until after the first SLS launch, KSC is also designing a new dedicated light-lift vehicle launch complex, named LC-48. This new launch site will feature two pads and will be used by small launchers, such as the Electron rocket. LC-48 will be located between LC-39A and SLC-41, but on KSC property.
SpaceX is also considering building their own new facilities, although this will not be a launch complex but rather a factory to build their future BFR vehicle. The company is talking with NASA and Space Florida about obtaining land for the new factory, likely be located near or right next to Blue Origin’s existing New Glenn factory.
Such work would take place after the completion of the company’s future South Texas Launch Site. Progress on the Brownsville site has seen the construction of a large solar farm, the addition of communication dishes for tracking and communicating with future Crew Dragon missions and bringing in construction equipment for building the launch site.
In 2011, SpaceX began talks with various state and local officials, exploring proposals for a new and private launch site located away from their current facilities – SLC-40 at the Cape and SLC-4E at Vandenberg. With their launch cadence and manifest rapidly growing, SpaceX predicted that their current launch pads at the time would be overwhelmed with the number of launches.
From 2012 to 2014, SpaceX began exploring submitted proposals for the new launch site. The primary considered locations in “competition” to host the site were in Alaska, California, Florida, Texas, Virginia, Georgia and Puerto Rico. The proposed Texas site, located near the town of Brownsville, was the leader in the “competition”.
SpaceX began buying and leasing land at the proposed Brownsville site in 2012 and started investigating the environmental impact of launches from the site in the same year, which concluded in late 2013.
SpaceX announced in August 2014 that the proposed Brownsville location would host their new, private launch site.
Groundbreaking occurred in 2014, but construction came to a near halt when construction resources were moved to work on the then newly-acquired LC-39A at Kennedy Space Center to ready it for Falcon Heavy and crewed Falcon 9 missions.
Soil foundation issues at the Brownsville site and the need to repair SLC-40 following the AMOS-6 conflagration in September 2016 delayed construction even further, and only in late 2016 has construction at the site began to slowly resume.
Due to the aforementioned soil foundation issues, a large dirt mound was built up in early 2016 on the future Horizontal Integration Facility (HIF) site to help settle and pack down the loose soil to ensure a firm foundation for the facility. In late 2016 and early 2017, two tracking dishes, moved to Texas from Cape Canaveral, were installed near the site for tracking future Crew Dragon missions.
 In late 2017, a solar farm was constructed near the launch site to power the launch facilities and construction equipment. In January 2018, Tesla Powerpacks began to be installed at the solar farm, to store leftover electricity produced by the solar panels. This extra stored power will be used when the panels alone are not producing enough power for the launch site, such as on cloudy days or maintenance periods on the solar panels.
Starting in late 2017, construction equipment was moved to the site in preparation for major construction, which should start in 2018. The main structures will be the HIF, a payload processing and encapsulation facility, a launch control center, and the launch pad with its hardware (such as lightning towers, fuel tanks, sound suppression water storage tanks, etc.).
The current plan for the site is to support both Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy commercial missions, mostly heading to Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO), although launches to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) are possible. However, recent updates by SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell seem to hint at the possibility of the site hosting future BFR tests and/or launches.
SpaceX is currently limited to no more than 12 Falcon launches per year from the site, and up to two of those can be Falcon Heavy launches.
As of now, the launch site is expected to be finished in late 2018 or early 2019, according to Ms. Shotwell, with “vehicle tests” occurring at around the same time. However, with no major construction on the launch site itself occurring as of now, only time will tell if SpaceX can achieve those goals.)

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