Thursday, January 25, 2018

Have Asthma? Take Vitamin D to lower risk of Attacks

Vitamin D supplements linked to lower risk of asthma attacks

LONDON: Asthma attacks serious enough to require steroid treatment or hospitalization may be less likely when people take vitamin D supplements, a recent analysis suggests.

 From article, (Asthma attacks serious enough to require steroid treatment or hospitalization may be less likely when people take vitamin D supplements, a recent analysis suggests.

Researchers examined data combined from seven previously published studies with a total of 955 asthma patients who were randomly selected to take vitamin D or a placebo pill, in addition to any other medicines prescribed to manage their symptoms.

When asthma patients took vitamin D supplements, they were 54 percent less likely to have an attack severe enough to require an emergency room visit or hospital admission, the study found. They were also 31 percent less likely to have frequent asthma attacks requiring treatment with corticosteroids.

The apparent benefits of taking vitamin D were significant only in people who started out with a deficiency, however.

“The take-home message is that asthma patients who suffer with attacks (exacerbations) should get their vitamin D level checked, and if it is low, they should take a vitamin D supplement – there is negligible risk associated with doing this, and there is pretty good evidence to suggest that this could reduce their risk of having an attack,” said senior study author Dr. Adrian Martineau of Queen Mary University of London in the UK.

“It’s very important to emphasize that asthma patients should not stop taking their usual asthma therapy,” Martineau said by email. “All of the studies included in our review looked at the effects of giving vitamin D on top of usual therapy.”)

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