Thursday, January 25, 2018

Central New York wonders if BRT can change the way people get around Syracuse.

Could 'Bus Rapid Transit' change the way central New Yorkers get around?

The Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council (SMTC) has issued its final recommendation on a transit plan that could change the way central New Yorkers get around. The final report focuses on the idea of Bus Rapid Transit. It involves creating corridors in high traffic areas that are earmarked for buses that would travel more quickly, with fewer stops.

 From article, (The Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council (SMTC) has issued its final recommendation on a transit plan that could change the way central New Yorkers get around.
The final report focuses on the idea of Bus Rapid Transit. It involves creating corridors in high traffic areas that are earmarked for buses that would travel more quickly, with fewer stops.
And the cost?
“It’s in the order of the magnitude of over $30 million to build the whole thing out, which sounds like a lot of money. And it is, I’m not trying to understate that,” said D’Agostino. “But we’ve made similar investments in the community.
D’Agostino expects this kind of rapid bus service would help people in impoverished parts of the city who need to use it. But also he says it would attract choice riders, people who would use it because it’s quick and convenient.
“It would help people who have to use transit, but it might also make people say, ‘It’s so convenient, now, it’s so fast, it’s so easy. I’m going to use transit now.’ And so now we have choice riders in addition to people who have to use transit. And that’s how you really build a system that’s going to work for the community,” he said.)
Me, "You've got to love city planners. They see a way of using BRT or SBS and put it into affect. The main goal is a system that moves a lot of people on a road, like a bus, but serving more people, like a trai,n and keeps cars off the road. Public Transit is one of those things that helps build cities. Its nice to see another NYS City planning for the future."

For More info

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