Thursday, January 25, 2018

If You like Eating outside, at your local restaurant, but it is winter time. Here is a crystal clear Igloo solution. While not totally perfect, it is an interesting idea.

Restaurant turns to 'igloos' to provide outdoor winter dining experience

The owners of Fenton Fire Hall have repurposed garden igloos to serve customers looking to dine outside this winter. "They're like mini greenhouses," general manager, Mike Yahner said. "I don't think they're original purpose was to serve food and drinks in them. Our owners got the idea while traveling and seeing similar setups.

 From article, (the owners of Fenton Fire Hall have re-purposed garden "igloos" to serve customers looking to dine outside this winter.
"They're like mini greenhouses," said general manager Mike Yahner. "I don't think their original purpose was to serve food and drinks in them. Our owners got the idea while traveling and seeing similar setups."
The garden igloos, consisting of a clear plastic material stretched over a metal frame, were initially launched at Honchos in nearby Clarkston, another restaurant owned by the same group. The concept caught Yahner off guard but after seeing it become an "instant success," he figured it was worth the shot at the Fenton Fire Hall.
"I asked the owner if we could get them out here and he shipped two out," Yahner said. "The response to them so far has been overwhelmingly positive. We want to add one more to our patio."
The dome-shaped garden igloos are warmed by the greenhouse effect. The structure keeps cold air out while the sun and a single space heater keep the inside warm. Yahner said the idea attracts a "certain kind of fun person."
"We're very clear with guests that it's not a perfect concept," Yahner said. "Inside the igloo is about 20 to 25 degrees warmer than whatever the temperature is outside. On warm days, like the weather we experienced this weekend, you can be in there in just a shirt. But on colder days, we advise wearing coats if you choose to dine in them."

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