Sunday, May 28, 2017

Living in a Tree, Apartment, house.

From 2015...
From article, (Would you ever live in a tree? That's a question one Italian architect is looking to answer. With 25 Verde, designer Luciano Pia is attempting to combine modern construction with green technology.

Pia's apartment complex sits among some 200 trees, which are maintained with recovered rainwater, and uses a system of pumps and geothermal energy to provide hot water and heat in the winter. According to the architect's website, 25 Verde aims to be a "living forest" that allows its residents to meld distinctions between external and internal environments. The living building grows and ages with its occupants. With apartments costing roughly 5,500 Euros per square meter, the complex is actually less expensive than the Italian average. The 63-unit block went up in Turin, Italy, two years ago and is now almost fully occupied.)

Me, "It's an interesting apartment building design. It's like going back to nature. You keep the apartment looking like nature while it keeps you supplied with all of present day apartment technology, a hot shower, and heat in the winter, Who wouldn't want to live in a tree house?"

  This "Living" Apartment Building Is Basically a Giant Treehouse for Adults

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