Sunday, May 28, 2017

A new day in Powering Japan may take new ideas and funding, because of the Fukushima disaster.

From 2011...
From article, (Japan plans to build a floating wind farm near the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant as part of the country's disaster reconstruction effort, a government official said Thursday.
Tokyo is seeking ways to reduce its reliance on atomic energy following the world's worst  since Chernobyl, and is eyeing the Pacific coast of Fukushima prefecture, the official said.
"This is part of the government's effort towards reconstructing the disaster area while promoting renewable energy," said an official at the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy.
"Building wind power turbines on land would be more difficult, because of the problems of  and city planning regulations," said the official, who asked not to be named. "So we are looking at the space offshore.")
Me, "The Japanese governement is trying to calm fears on nuclear power. The only way it can succeed is by one relying more on Renewable energy, (which they are trying to do)  and two either design safer nuclear reactors or give up on nuclear all together, (Which it seems Japanese people want) and find new ways of producing electricity. There are plenty of options out there ex, Kite Wind Power, Geothermal Power, Tidal Power, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion power. This could be the motivation Japan needs to invest in all kinds of new renewable energy technologies."

Japan plans floating wind farm near nuclear plant

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