Sunday, May 28, 2017

Even a Pedal Bike can have an RV.

From 2009...
From article, (Originally envisioned as weighing just 50 pounds, and with a pullout drawer to extend its length for sleeping; inventor Paul Elkins‘ camper was designed for maximum efficiency. It had to endure winds of 60 mph, heat of 100+ degrees. And it’s not merely fuel efficient. It uses no fuel at all.
You’d get it out of town on pedal power alone. Set up under the stars with just renewable power.)

Me, "For you biking/camping enthusiasts? This is a new idea, that if your not claustrophobic, you might enjoy. In fact it is the solution to going from U.S. coast to coast on a bike." 

Tiniest RV Ever is a Zero Carbon Camper - Gas 2

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