Sunday, May 28, 2017

Another product from the Hydrocarbon Industry has been making the rounds.

From 2008...
From article, (Ice cream lovers of the United States, rejoice. Greenpeace and Ben & Jerry’s have teamed up to bring the first climate-safe ice cream freezer to the USA. The Greenfreeze refrigerator eliminates the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), an extremely potent greenhouse gas that has 1,400 times the global warming impact of CO2.
 Greenfreeze technology has been around since 1992 and is installed in over 300 million refrigerators worldwide. But it wasn’t allowed into the United States until earlier this year when the Environmental Protection Agency gave Ben & Jerry’s the go-ahead to test 2,000 Greenfreeze units. 
HFCs and other fluorinated gases are the most dangerous greenhouse gases that you’ve probably never heard of. Together, they are responsible for 17 percent of global warming pollution in the atmosphere.
It’s sad that the USA has had to wait 16 years to receive such a widely-used technology, especially since Greenfreeze refrigerators make up 40 percent of all refrigerators produced worldwide each year. But with the US on board, perhaps that number will jump even higher.)

Me, "What isn't stated in this article is that the Hydrocarbon refrigerators use Isobutane for noncommercial refrigerators, and for commercial refrigerators Propane. These are flammable hydrocarbon fuels, but these refrigerators use 3 butane lighters worth of the stuff, making them highly safe, since so little is used. 
This isn't new technology. In fact the whole reason CFC's and their less troubling fluornianted gas cousins were originally used, as refrigerants, was because early Hydrocarbon refrigerators were dangerous. Where Hydrocarbon refrigerators were flammable CFC's weren't. 
So, what exactly are we doing? We went back in time, technology wise. We are substituting a green house gas and ozone depleting refrigerant CFC to HFC with a now safer older technology slightly flammable Hydrocarbons. Its amazing what time and re branding can do."  First Greenfreeze Climate-Safe Freezer Launches in the United States

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