Monday, March 19, 2018

Solar Power World Wide Growth Continues to Increase

Solar Power Smashed Another Record In 2017, But Didn't Quite Reach 100 GigaWatts

Last year looked set to be a particularly challenging one for the growth of solar power. Yet despite Donald Trump's promises to restore the fortunes of coal in solar's second-biggest market, 29.3 percent more solar cells were installed in 2017 than 2016, which had smashed previous records.

From article, (Last year looked set to be a particularly challenging one for the growth of solar power. Yet despite Donald Trump's promises to restore the fortunes of coal in solar's second-biggest market, 29.3 percent more solar cells were installed in 2017 than 2016, which had smashed previous records. Despite this, the world didn't quite manage to reach the milestone of installing 100 Gigawatts of solar capacity in the year, finishing at 98.9 GW.

the total operating solar in the world to 405 GW, 89 percent of which was installed in the last seven years. The announcement indicates solar capacity overtook that of nuclear worldwide, although nuclear still produces more power since most plants operate for so many more hours a day.

Over the last 40 years, the amount of photovoltaic capacity commissioned in a year has doubled roughly every two years. If that rate continues, we'll be getting most of our electricity from the Sun by 2030. Even if the 29 percent growth seen in 2017 becomes the average, new solar will double every three years, and still be the largest single source of electricity by the mid-20s.

China was dominant, installing 52.8 GW, a 53 percent increase on 2016. India, at 9.6 GW is quite likely to overtake the United States this year, which fell from 14.8 to 11.8 GW. Meanwhile Europe, the one part of the world where solar installations have fallen in recent years, rebounded with 8.6 GW (up 28 percent), particularly in Turkey, which at 1.8 GW became the largest solar market in Europe for the first time.)

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