Monday, March 19, 2018

Filter Changes your Current Water Supply to NYC's Water Taste, Anywhere. Good at Making Pizza, Bagels, etc., Just as Good as NYC's Taste, Elsewhere.

Filtration system promises to make any pizza taste like NYC's

New York City quality pizza west of the Hudson? Fuhgeddaboudit! Not so fast, according to a New Jersey company that will unveil on Monday a water-filtration system that promises to improve any out-of-town restaurant's food quality by making its local water taste as good as NYC tap water.

From article, (according to a New Jersey company that will unveil on Monday a water-filtration system that promises to improve any out-of-town restaurant’s food quality by making its local water taste as good as NYC tap water.
It will do so by matching the molecular makeup of Big Apple water.
So a bagel store in Baltimore can make a bialy as good as a Bensonhurst bakery, it said. And a slice of pepperoni pizza in Peoria will be as good as in Park Slope.
Paul Errigo, chief executive of New York WaterMaker, plans to introduce his $2,890-a-year filtration system at the International Pizza Expo in Las Vegas on Monday.
“We think there is a market for microbreweries and coffee franchises [too],” Errigo told The Post.
The Belleville, NJ, company has been testing its filtration system for months and has convinced the owner of a popular Staten Island pizza joint that it works.
Mike Burke, whose Denino’s Pizzeria & Tavern has been among the most popular pizzerias in the area for decades, trucked Gotham water to a second spot in Brick, NJ, after finding the local water didn’t cut it.
But after using the filtration system, he can’t tell the difference in quality between his two locations.
“We couldn’t make our dough in Brick without New York water,” said Burke, who hopes to franchise its nearly century-old pizzeria and said he will use the new filtration system at each location.
“The pizza in other parts of New Jersey is very white and doughy while ours is brown and crunchy,” said Burke. Denino’s also has a popular Greenwich Village outlet.
Errigo plans to offer businesses 10-year leases — and ship new filters every six months.)

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