Monday, February 5, 2018

Shell moves into the recharging electric car market.

Oil giant Shell buys electric car charging company

Royal Dutch Shell revealed a deal on Thursday to acquire NewMotion, one of Europe's largest electric vehicle charging providers. NewMotion specializes in converting parking spots into electric charging stations. The Dutch firm has more than 30,000 electric charge points in Europe.

 Me, "Change is coming for the electric car. With cheaper batteries, allowing the price of an electric car to come down, and for the present energy companies to diversify more into renewable electric generation, and electric charging for electric cars. A new day is coming on how we treat and ride around our planet. There is nothing wrong with energy companies diversifying. As the mantra goes, 'change is good every once in awhile'."
From article, (One of the world's largest fossil fuel companies is betting on electric cars.
Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA) revealed a deal on Thursday to acquire NewMotion, one of Europe's largest electric vehicle charging providers. NewMotion specializes in converting parking spots into electric charging stations. The Dutch firm has more than 30,000 electric charge points in Europe.
The acquisition, Shell's first in this space, shows how Big Oil is being forced to confront the long-term threat posed by electric cars and efforts to phase out gasoline and diesel vehicles.
"This is a way of broadening our offer as we move through the energy transition," Matthew Tipper, Shell's vice president of new fuels, told CNNMoney in an interview. "It's certainly a form of diversification."
European oil companies, including Shell and rivals like BP (BP) and Total (TOT), have been far quicker than their U.S. rivals to invest in renewables like solar, wind and now even electric car charging.)

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