Monday, February 5, 2018

A Little Taste of Russia.

Putin displays massive firepower in Russian war games on border with Europe

LUGA, Russia -- Russia's big Zapad 2017 military exercises, believed to be the largest since the end of the Cold War, entered the news again on Tuesday after a video emerged appearing to show a Russian attack helicopter firing its rockets into a group of bystanders during drills. Russia's defense...

 From article, (The war games simulate a scenario where a hostile “Western Coalition” seeks to overthrow the Belarus government and split it away from Russia.
Me, "The irony being that it is Russia, over the last few years who is being the hostile coalition trying to destabilize countries that share a border with it or criticize it."
From article, (Russian and Belarusan forces repel the fictional nation, invented for the exercises, but which bears a strong resemblance to a Western tract of Belarus. The fake country, Veishnoriya, allied with two more made-up states, stirs up a separatist insurrection.
The exercises, which displayed a reinvigorated Russian military that has undergone extensive modernization in recent years, have raised uncomfortable scenarios in the minds of leaders in the Baltic States and Poland, who see themselves reflected in the Russian-invented countries targeted in the exercises. The U.S. has sent extra fighter aircraft to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, and deployed 600 paratroopers to the region in response to the games. The troops represent a symbolic reinforcement of the small contingents the U.S. has already deployed in those countries, which are meant to reassure them following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.)
Me, "Can't we all just get along? Russia is a big country. It has so much land. Why does Russia need to start trouble with its neighbors? It should be investing in new cities and towns. It should be doing exploration and mining of resources of its vast land mass To bring new raw metals to market. There is no reason to threaten its neighbors. No one wants to attack Russia. We (the world) accepts that it is a major player on the world stage. What else could it possibly want?"

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