Tuesday, February 6, 2018

It seems that it will be up to local Electrical Markets to see what is more economic, current Natural Gas Power Plants, that rely on Air Carbon Capture to Methane Fuel, or Huge Battery Systems like Tesla's

Tesla's giant battery in Australia is already eating away at 'gas cartel's' profits, report says

We already reported on how Tesla's giant battery in Australia made around $1 million in just a few days by taking advantage of the country's volatile energy market. But now a new report shows how it is also eating away at the 'gas cartel's' profits.

 From article, (We already reported on how Tesla’s giant battery in Australia made around $1 million in just a few days by taking advantage of the country’s volatile energy market.
But now a new report shows how it is also eating away at the ‘gas cartel’s’ profits.

When an issue happens or maintenance is required on the power grid in Australia, the Energy Market Operator calls for FCAS (frequency control and ancillary services) which consists of large and costly gas generators kicking in to compensate for the loss of power.
These services are so costly that it can sometimes amount to up to $7 million per day – or 10 times the regular value of the energy delivered.
Electricity rates can be seen reaching $14,000 per MW during those FCAS periods.
Now Renewecomy reports that FCAS were required on January 14, but the prices didn’t skyrocket to $14,000 per MW and they instead were maintained at around $270/MW after a short spike.
The bidding of Tesla’s 100MW/ 129MWh Powerpack project in South Australia on the services is credited with escaping the price hike, which would have cost energy generator and consumers millions in costs.
The Powerpack system is able to switch from charging to discharging in a fraction of a second, which allows Neoen, the operator of the system, to quickly respond when frequency issues happen.)

Me, "It seems that it will be up to local Electrical Markets to see what is more economic: Capturing CO2 from the Air, converting it with Water and electricity (produced with solar or wind) into Methane Fuel. Then transporting this Methane with current Natural Gas infrastructure to fed Natural Gas Power Plants, for power.  Carbon Engineering  is working on this. They would capture the CO2 and transform it into hydrocarbon fuels. 
Or, is using Tesla's Huge Battery Systems less costly? 
There are a lot of ways of looking at this, for, and against."

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