Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Into Airplanes, Rockets? Satellites? And going to England on Vacation? Check out this Aerospace Museum.

Take the kids to ... Aerospace Bristol

Boarding Concorde takes pride of place at this extensive new museum dedicated to Bristol's role in aviation history Beside the once-thriving Filton airfield, this new museum showcases Bristol's role in aerospace engineering over the last century.

From article, (Beside the once-thriving Filton airfield, [In Bristol, England] this new museum showcases Bristol’s role in aerospace engineering over the last century. There are masses of exhibits, from the earliest planes that were produced on site, such as the Bristol Boxkite and Britain’s first twin-rotor helicopter, through to cold-war missiles and scale models of rockets and satellites. Most exciting though is the Concorde Alpha Foxtrot, assembled and tested here, and the last to be flown.
The dramatic audio-visual effects projected onto Concorde’s nose and fuselage bring home what an impressive a feat of engineering she was. Boarding this supersonic retiree is an obvious highlight, though be prepared to queue. Inside, look out for signatures on the door to the flight deck, scribbled by the crew of her final flight.
Kids will enjoy learning how wings work in the small wind tunnel, and the Concorde cockpit’s bewildering racks of knobs, switches and dials. Other highlights include walking through a cross-section of a plane and discovering that the Bristol Pegasus engine powered some of the greatest aviation feats, such as the first flight over Everest and several world altitude records. We also liked that the curators have made a point of celebrating Filton’s highly-skilled female workforce.)

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