Sunday, January 14, 2018

We are on a pogo stick. We are told there is water on Mars and it can be seen in canyons, where water flowed recently, to cut new channels in the Martian soil. Then we are told this is a mistake. Now we are told there is a lot of water in the form of ice right below the martian soil. Shesh! Make up your mind, NASA!

TScientists stunned by massive Mars discovery

Not only did Mars once have water covering much of its surface eons ago, it is still there, trapped in the form of ice underneath the Martian soil. That is the conclusion of a new study that indicates there may be layers of ice 300 feet thick in some place at areas of the Red Planet known as "scarps," which are steep banks or slopes.

From article, (Not only did Mars once have water covering much of its surface eons ago, it is still there, trapped in the form of ice underneath the Martian soil. That is the conclusion of a new study that indicates there may be layers of ice 300 feet thick in some place at areas of the Red Planet known as “scarps,” which are steep banks or slopes.
These scarps have a blue-black hue, which scientists think may betray the presence of thick ice based on an aexamination of the data. It would be a tremendous find, as it would not only expand our understanding of Mars, but also provide new leads in the search for life and provide a potentially necessary resource for a manned mission to the planet.
Scientists examined a total of eight of these scarps. Scientists have long known that there is water somewhere on the planet, but have come up with numerous theories on where it all went.
A statement from the American Association for the Advancement of Science follows below.
 Erosion on Mars is exposing deposits of water ice, starting at depths as shallow as one to two meters below the surface and extending 100 meters or more. The ice is a critical target for science and exploration: it affects modern geomorphology, is expected to preserve a record of climate history, influences the planet’s habitability, and may be a potential resource for future exploration. Whilst water ice is known to be present in some locations on Mars, many questions remain about its layering, thickness, purity, and extent. Now, Colin Dundas and colleagues have pinpointed eight locations, using the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), where steep, pole-facing slopes created by erosion expose substantial quantities of sub-surface ice. The fractures and steep angles indicate that the ice is cohesive and strong, the authors say. What’s more, bands and variations in color suggest that the ice contains distinct layers, which could be used to understand changes in Mars’ climate over time (the ice sheets themselves likely formed as snow accumulated over time).
Since there are few craters on the surface at these sites, the authors propose that the ice was formed relatively recently. Images taken over the course of three Martian years reveal massive chunks of rock that fell from the ice as erosion occurred, leading the researchers to estimate that the ice is retreating a few millimeters each summer. Because the ice is only visible where surface soil has been removed, Dundas et al. say it is likely that ice near the surface is even more extensive than detected in this study. The ice could be a useful source of water for future missions to Mars.)

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