Sunday, January 14, 2018

Regulating Self-Driving Cars: The New Frontier

Autonomous vehicles will transform the way driving is regulated: Here's how

Whether you like it or not, driverless vehicles are going to become an increasingly important cog in 21st century living. As technology moves at a rapid pace, the world's biggest companies are looking to develop and deploy increasingly sophisticated self-driving technology."
From article, (Whether you like it or not, driverless vehicles are going to become an increasingly important cog in 21st century living.

As technology moves at a rapid pace, the world's biggest companies are looking to develop and deploy increasingly sophisticated self-driving technology. To give one example, Vehicles at Waymo, a subsidiary of Alphabet, have software and sensors designed to detect everything from pedestrians and cyclists to road works and other vehicles.
"The safety regulation of automated vehicles will have to be the same as for regular vehicles, using the same principles." The ITF is an intergovernmental organization at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
The "object" of regulation, Crist explained, may change. Before, it was a driver and their vehicle. Now, it would need to include the algorithms and code that operate in an autonomous one.

He added that future regulation would also include, to a certain extent, "the fitness of the sensor systems that are providing input to the vehicle (and) replacing human eyes and human ears." This was a new space for regulation, he said. 
"There are no rules right now, international rules, on how to regulate automated vehicles," Philippe Crist, project manager for the International Transport Forum (ITF), told CNBC. 

"The safety regulation of automated vehicles will have to be the same as for regular vehicles, using the same principles." The ITF is an intergovernmental organization at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
The "object" of regulation, Crist explained, may change. Before, it was a driver and their vehicle. Now, it would need to include the algorithms and code that operate in an autonomous one.

He added that future regulation would also include, to a certain extent, "the fitness of the sensor systems that are providing input to the vehicle (and) replacing human eyes and human ears." This was a new space for regulation, he said.)

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