Monday, January 22, 2018

Want Solar Power cheap? Buy with a Group.

Cheap Ways to Get Solar Panels for Your House

Solar panels are a good investment, but the start-up costs can be prohibitive. Here are some ways to get your solar panels for free. So you want to supplement-or perhaps even replace-your electrical grid power consumption with rooftop solar panels, but you don't want to pay thousands of dollars for a solar panel kit.

 From article, (Solar panels are a good investment, but the start-up costs can be prohibitive. Here are some ways to get your solar panels for free.
So you want to supplement—or perhaps even replace—your electrical grid power consumption with rooftop solar panels, but you don't want to pay thousands of dollars for a solar panel kit. There are, fortunately, a number of cheaper solar power options available—if you know where to look.
One popular solar purchasing model that has sprung up in recent years is the group purchase, which operates on the idea that everything is cheaper when bought in bulk. San Francisco-based startup One Block Off the Grid offers city-based collective purchasing for solar panels. The startup vets solar installers and negotiates for the lowest prices it can get based on how many people in a city join a particular solar purchasing campaign (each campaign only goes on for a limited amount of time). One Block Off the Grid also helps homeowners navigate city and state solar rebates, making the purchasing process significantly less headache-inducing.)

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