Monday, January 22, 2018

Life now has three ways now to feed itself: PhotoSynthesis (Sunlight to energy conversion) and Chemosynthesis (Chemical to Energy Conversion) and now Air(Synthesis) H2+CO+CO2 to energy conversion)

Antarctic microbe that can live on AIR could change how we hunt aliens

Microbe can scavenge hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide from air Most organisms use energy from the sun or the earth to grow Researchers have found a new type of microbe that can survive on air alone - and say it could change the way we hunt for alien life.

 Me, "A new way for life to survive, beyond Photosynthesis and Chemosynthesis; Plain old air(synthesis)."
From article, (Researchers have found a new type of microbe that can survive on air alone - and say it could change the way we hunt for alien life.
The microbe can scavenge hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide from the air to stay alive in extreme conditions.
It is the first time the behaviour has been seen, and most organisms use energy from the sun or the earth to grow.
We propose that atmospheric H2, CO2 and CO provide dependable sources of energy and carbon to support these communities, which suggests that atmospheric energy sources can provide an alternative basis for ecosystem function to solar or geological energy sources.'
"We found that the Antarctic microbes have evolved mechanisms to live on air instead, and they can get most of the energy and carbon they need by scavenging trace atmospheric gases, including hydrogen and carbon monoxide,' said study senior author and UNSW scientist Associate Professor Belinda Ferrari.
The find has implications for the search for life on other planets, suggesting extra-terrestrial microbes could also rely on trace atmospheric gases for survival.)

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