Monday, January 22, 2018

The Russian meddling in the 2016 Presidential Campaign was to make Trump a Weak President?

Russia sent payments quite literally labelled 'to finance election campaign of 2016'

Bad news, America: The terrifying 2016 election meddling plot continues to thicken in such a way that's sure to make you bang your head against your desk and scream "HOW?" In the saga's latest installment, a Buzzfeed News report alleges that over 60 payments were sent from the Russian foreign ministry to its embassies with not-so-subtle descriptions like, quite literally, "to finance election campaign of 2016."

From article, (Bad news, America: The terrifying 2016 election meddling plot continues to thicken in such a way that's sure to make you bang your head against your desk and scream "HOW?"

In the saga's latest installment, a Buzzfeed News report alleges that over 60 payments were sent from the Russian foreign ministry to its embassies with not-so-subtle descriptions like, quite literally, "to finance election campaign of 2016."
The transaction news comes after months of speculation about Russia's role in the 2016 presidential election and the country's involvement with Donald Trump's campaign.
Between the discovery of around 3,000 Russia-linked Facebook ads that reached as many as 126 million users, and uncovered emails with Donald Trump Jr., things already weren't looking too good for Russia. 
But literally announcing that you were providing funding for the 2016 election in your transactions? That leaves verrrrrrryyyyyy little room for denial, don't you think?
The wire transfers, which reportedly amounted to more than $380,000 in total, came from a Kremlin-backed Russian bank and are currently being reviewed by the FBI, as Buzzfeedstated. They all referenced financing the 2016 election in the memo lines and were sent to Russian embassies in nearly 60 countries between Aug. 3 and Sept. 20, 2016, prior to election day.
 While it is fun to take a step away from the constant panic of 2016/2017 politics and laugh over the possibility that Russia could be that careless, as Buzzfeed notes, the U.S. wasn't the only one with an election around that time.

Seven nations, including Russia, had elections so it's possible the money was simply funding one of those campaigns.
Either way, the FBI is on the case.)

Me, "It seems quite odd that the Russians would label payments, 'to finance campaign 2016' if they wanted to help Trump. Unless, the Russians did not like either candidate, figured they would blatantly support Trump and if he won, these payments would come to light, making Trump a weak and maybe impeached president."

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