Thursday, January 18, 2018


Congestion pricing plan, including ride-hailing app surcharge, could be coming soon

A new report conducted by former Department of Transportation official Bruce Schaller has found that cars from ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft are responsible, in large part, for unnecessary congestion on some of the city's busiest streets.

 From article, (A new report conducted by former Department of Transportation official Bruce Schaller has found that cars from ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft are responsible, in large part, for unnecessary congestion on some of the city’s busiest streets. While private vehicular traffic, delivery trucks, and yellow taxis are also to blame, the report found that ride-hailing cars spend an average of 11 minutes of unoccupied time during weekdays in Manhattan’s business districts
As a result, Governor Andrew Cuomo’s state task force, Fix NYC, is exploring the possibility of effecting a new per-ride fee on all for-hire vehicles that make trips to Manhattan, reports the New York Times. The fee would be passed on to customers and will work as part of Cuomo’s congestion pricing plan that aims to both reduce traffic and raise money to fix the city’s ailing subway system.)

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