Thursday, January 18, 2018

NYC Congestion Pricing plan would set toll at $11.52. No Reduction in Toll rates at other MTA Bridges.

Cuomo panel proposal to fund MTA charges drivers $11.52

Motorists in the busiest parts of Manhattan would be required to pay $11.52 a trip under a congestion pricing proposal due to be unveiled as early as Friday, the Daily News has learned. The recommended fee, which will be included in a report issued by Gov.

From article, (Motorists in the busiest parts of Manhattan would be required to pay $11.52 a trip under a congestion pricing proposal due to be unveiled as early as Friday, the Daily News has learned.
The recommended fee, which will be included in a report issued by Gov. Cuomo's Fix NYC Panel, is designed to match the charge entering the city through the tunnels, a source familiar with the proposal said. Motorists who already pay a toll to get into the city would not have to pay twice.
The congestion pricing fee would either be $11.52 toll inbound, or $5.76 each way, the source said. Drivers would be charged on their EZPass or a camera would take a picture of the vehicle's license plate, and a bill would be sent to the vehicle owner's address.
It's estimated the plan would raise between $1 billion and $1.5 billion annually, with all the revenue going to the region's mass transit systems, the source said. None of the money would be earmarked for road and bridge improvements, the source said.
As previously reported by the Daily News, the congestion pricing zone would begin for private cars south of 60th St.
The zone would likely be extended to 96th St. for taxis and other for-hire car services like Uber, the source said. Taxis and Uber would be charged a different fee, with the report recommending state leaders choose a toll of between $2 and $5 per trip.
As Cuomo revealed earlier this week, the panel is not recommending tolling the East River bridges.
it also is not recommending reducing tolls on existing bridges like the Verrazano that some were hoping could help convince leery outer borough state lawmakers to support the plan.
The tolling equipment for private cars would be operational between 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. at a minimum on weekdays, the source said. There could also be a weekend charge between noon and 10 p.m. for private vehicles and trucks.
For taxis and other for-hire car services, there could be a longer window during the weekdays, the source said.)

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