Thursday, January 18, 2018

A Vitamin that Prevents Skin Cancer

Can a vitamin really help prevent skin cancer?

Joe and Teresa Graedon answer readers' questions. This week: taking niacinamide to prevent skin cancer, natural ways to reduce blood-sugar levels and staving off macular degeneration. Share story Q: As a middle-age, fair-skin redhead, I have had several run-ins with precancerous and basal skin-cell cancers.

 From article, (Australian dermatologists and scientists have done most of the studies in this arena. One recent review of the research concludes that nicotinamide (another name for niacinamide) holds promise for preventing both melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers (Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine, online, July 5, 2017). Another summary concludes that nicotinamide acts in several ways to reduce actinic keratoses (your rough spots) and nonmelanoma skin cancers (Australasian Journal of Dermatology, August 2017).

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