Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Experimental drug therapies Advocated By Koch brothers

Koch-backed groups urge Congress to pass right-to-try legislation

ASHINGTON - Several deep-pocketed political advocacy groups founded by Charles and David Koch are ramping up their advocacy before Congress on a niche issue: access to experimental drugs. On Monday, several Koch-backed groups, including Freedom Partners and Americans for Prosperity, launched an ad campaign urging Congress to pass so-called "right-to-try" legislation, which aims to help terminally ill patients access experimental treatments that haven't yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

From article, (Several deep-pocketed political advocacy groups founded by Charles and David Koch are ramping up their advocacy before Congress on a niche issue: access to experimental drugs.

On Monday, several Koch-backed groups, including Freedom Partners and Americans for Prosperity, launched an ad campaign urging Congress to pass so-called “right-to-try” legislation, which aims to help terminally ill patients access experimental treatments that haven’t yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

“We want to make sure that it’s written so it works, and we’ve been evaluating different state laws to see if they’ve even been used,” Walden told STAT, suggesting several state laws had never been used. “If that’s the case, then, what is it we need to do to take care of these patients that have been given basically a fatal diagnosis so that they can access drugs that are in trial that show promise? That is tricky to get right, and if indeed the state laws are not being used very much, then the last thing I want to do is give false hope to families and dying patients that somehow they’ll have a new access when in fact they may not.”)

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