Tuesday, January 9, 2018

At Least He Tried

Elon Musk faces backlash for calling public transport "a pain in the ass"

Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk has faced criticism from experts after saying that public transport is inaccessible for many and used by serial killers. Musk, who is the founder and CEO of companies Tesla and SpaceX, was described as elitist by transit agency consultant Jarrett Walker, after comments he made during a conference in Long Beach, California, last month.

Me, "I hate to break it too you people. But Elon Musk is right. Our current nmass transportation system, where trains come to each station at a certain time, and are so full of people that sometimes you are stuck rubbing up against people, sucks!
What Elon Musk is saying is there has to be a better way. Think of a mass transit system that picks you up at your door, (Think Uber) avoids traffic by traveling underground, then drops you off almost right outside your company. That is what Elon Musk is proposing. It would be a mix of electric car sharing, fast underground tunnels, and direct drop off. That seems to me to be much better than, driving to a subway station, finding parking, waiting for the train, hoping it is not crowded, getting to your station, then walking to your company.
While the present system works, Elon Musk is just trying to make it better. Kind of like his revolutionary electric cars and his cheap reusable rockets.
Those that are doubters need to keep an open mind. It doesn't hurt for him to try. If he fails, he fails. At last he tried."     

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