Thursday, December 15, 2016

Things Will Turn Around...

By Alexander Marks (aomarks) - Own work, Public Domain,

From article, "Postal Service tallies $5.1 billion loss in 2015 budget year

(Mail volume is down as people rely more and more on email for online bill payments. But online shopping has led to significant growth in its package-delivery business, which has grown by 50 percent over the past five years.)

Me, "I was talking to a postal worker back in 2012. She was telling me about how her post office, was going to close down and move into a rented building. I said to her, "Why should you move out of a building you own into a building you will have to rent?" She said, "We would save money because our Post Office is under used." You have to remember this was back a few years ago before holiday and even online shopping became as normal as walking into a brick and mortar shop. I said to her, "You got to keep that post office open. What will happen if you move and mail volume goes up? Your out of your own building and will have to pay for a bigger space. It doesn't make sense."
I read this article "Postal Service tallies $5.1 billion loss in 2015 budget year and realized that I had been proven right. Regular mail had gone down but package deliveries had gone up. All the Post Office had to do was capitalize on it.
Update: Every holiday season since then I have noticed the post office inundated with package deliveries and the flow keeps getting bigger, even on non-holiday days you can see more trucks running out of the loading docks. So it is true the post office was facing a loss in 2015 but give it a few more years and things will turn around." 

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